Project Results
- The items are listed as they are made public.
- The titles of unlisted items may be changed once they are listed.
- All download is only japanese.
Results of creating standards and evaluation projects
The project deliverable("The guidebook for the robot care equipment development" and related document)
- "Guidebook for Development of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care"
- "Safety Handbook for Development of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care (Text Body)"
- "Safety Handbook for Development of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care (Appendix)"
- "Guideline for Verification Study of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care"
- "Ethical Review Application Guideline"
- "Guideline for Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care"
Safety evaluation standards
Effectiveness Performance Standards
- Development Concept Sheet Based on ICF (103KB)
- Indices for Evaluating the Efficiency and Risks of Nursing Work
- Design Aid Tools Based on Mechanics Models
- Simple Movement Measurement and Evaluation System
- Elderly Movement Simulation Device
- Effect Evaluation IoT System for Robot Aid Devices
Development Verification Test Standards
Promotion of Standardization
Study Regarding the Development of Robot Aid Devices
- Large-scale Verification Test Report Regarding the Use of Communication Robots for the Nursing Field, Revised (July 27, 2017) (1404KB)
- Study on the Needs for Robot Aid Devices (FY2016) (463KB)
- Survey of advanced elderly care services(FY2016) (1.2MB)
- Guidelines for the utilization of robotic devices for nursing care(FY2016) (1.1MB)
- Survey of robotic devices for nursing care in foreign countries (4.4MB)
Results of the subsidized project for development
In order to promote the development and the making of practical robotic devices for nursing care in priority areas, the Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care provides development subsidies to companies and other organizations that want to make products. These projects are called subsidized development projects and the organizations involved in subsidized development project are called subsidized development organizations. The main results of subsidized development projects are beneficial robot aid devices. Even if products do not result, the subsidized organizations the develop products can contribute to the accumulation of various knowledge.
Product Examples
Development robots resulting from subsidized projects
The Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Devices for Nursing Care
METI has implemented “The Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care” since 2013, while aiming at promoting independence of caretakers and alleviating a burden on care workers through supporting development and introduction of the robotic nursing care device in the priority areas, thereby creating new markets for the robotic nursing care device.
The Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care is comprised of the following two schemes.
1.Development Subsidies
Provides subsidies to private enterprises desiring to develop products in priority areas, thus encouraging the development for practical application of robotic nursing care devices.
2.Standards Establishment and Evaluation
Defines the introduction of robotic nursing care devices into nursing care home, new nursing care programs utilizing related technologies, research on demonstration guidelines and standardization, and development and introduction guidelines.
Scheme structure

Portal site for this project
This site is established with the aim to contribute to promote“The Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care” by Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and to publicize the results, as well as social recognition and dissemination of nursing robots.
Basic Guidelines of Robot Development
Nursing care robots, which have gained considerable momentum in their recent research and development, are still in the course of research and development for “practical application.”
“The Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care” has been pressed ahead for practical application.
The following two points have been established as the basic guidelines in the development of practical robotic nursing care devices.
Basic Guideline 1:
View the purposes and effects of robotic nursing care devices in terms of impacts on “people.” Develop and utilize the nursing care robots rather than pursue only the mechanical performance, through the clear purposes of “better lives of ‘people’.”
Basic Guideline 2:
View the robotic nursing care devices as a physical means of providing “nursing care that brings improvement.” Nursing care robots do not serve as a means of compensating for disability. Accordingly, view them within overall nursing care programs in view of an interactive relationship with human-provided nursing care.
(Scheme description materials)
“The Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care”
The Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care (40 minutes and 20 seconds)