What is Long-term Care Tech?

For long-term care Provider
Seminars and Events
CONCEPT About this site
This website aims to help all those involved in Long-term Care Technology to correctly understand how such technology can be used in a safe and effective way at long-term care locations as well as to promote their development and use. This website provides a wide range of information from the Japanese government, professional organization, and companies about the introduction of Long-term Care Technology to care sites and the development of such devices, including the “Project to Promote the Development of Long-term Care Technology” being promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) (1).
What you can learn about on this site
- Robotic devices for long-term care
- AMED’s initiatives in projects related to Long-term Care Technology
- Introduction of project deliverables from these projects
- Information on related seminars and events
- Other information related to Long-term Care Technology
We hope this website is useful to everyone interested in achieving better long-term care nursing care through the development and introduction of Long-term Care Technology.

(1) This includes the "Advanced Research and Development and Development System Strengthening Project for Medical Devices, etc. (Robot Nursing Equipment Development Promotion Project, etc.)" that has been implemented by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) since FY2021, as well as its predecessors, the "Robot Nursing Equipment Development and Introduction Promotion Project" (FY2013-FY2017), "Robot Nursing Equipment Development and Standardization Project" (FY2018-FY2020), and "Robot Nursing Equipment Development Promotion Project" (FY2021-FY2024).