Project for Long-term Care Tech by AMED
This project provides an overview of the project for Long-term Care Technology that is being jointly promoted by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
What is Long-term Care Tech?
The following pages provide information on Long-term Care Technology, including what it is and what specific technology is available.
This page provides the definition of Long-term Care Technology. It also lists the priority fields of Long-term Care Technology as defined by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW).
This page lists the technology and systems for which AMED and METI have provided development assistance in the past, by priority field.
This page introduces AMED initiatives in detail.
For Tech Developers
The following pages contain information that will be helpful in the development of Long-term Care Technology.
This page lists guidance that will be helpful in the development of Long-term Care Technology. [JP page only]
For Long-term Care Providers
The following pages provide information on the key points and examples when introducing Long-term Care Technology to facilities.
Videos of examples of introductions of Long-term Care Technology are available. [JP page only]
This page contains an interview with a care manager working at a facility actively introducing Long-term Care Technology who talks about Long-term Care Technology as seen from the view of a nursing care site.
Seminars and events
This project regularly holds seminars and events by asking experts and developers to give lectures on Long-term Care Technology. The following pages provide information on the schedule of seminars, how to apply, and information on past seminars.
This page provides the schedule of seminars and events, as well as the application page. [JP page only]
This page provides an archive of past seminars and events. [JP page only]
Useful information
You can find useful information on Long-term Care Technology, including links to webpages, column articles, and interviews.
This is a collection of links to webpages with information related to Long-term Care Technology.
Column articles and interviews with celebrities and experts on Long-term Care Technology are available.