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Contact Us

Private information collected through this Home Page will be used for the purposes shown below. We shall bear no responsibility for privacy protection on the external websites that are linked from this Home Page. Users may visit the external websites at their own risk.

  1. To respond to or return message to any inquiries or consultations made to this website.
  2. To ask for opinions and comments on this website.
  3. To send information about exhibitions and seminars for which users may apply for participation through this Home Page.
  4. To give caution or warning to any user who made an act that is or may be in violation of any of the terms or rules prescribed within this Home Page.

The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to outsourced companies to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. In this case, we will conclude a contract with the contractor that includes provisions that oblige the protection of personal information, and will appropriately supervise the security management of personal information.

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・MacOS X : Safari, Google Chrome
・Windows 10 : Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome

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