About this site


○Assist the self-support much more of those people who need to receive nursing care.
○Alleviate the workloads much more of nursing care takers givers and care workers.
 For the Japanese society which is progressively aging, the resolution of these themes needs to be accelerated.
 Since FY2013, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has been working on the Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care, with the aim of supporting and promoting development, practical application and introduction of robotic care devices as well as establishing the environment for it by, for example, creating the standards necessary for introducing the developed robot care devices in nursing care.

About site operation

This site is a project by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) to strengthen the advanced research and development / development system for medical equipment (robot nursing care equipment development promotion project). 3 years onwards) and its predecessor, "Robot Nursing Care Equipment Development and Promotion Project" (Heisei 25-29) and "Robot Nursing Care Equipment Development and Standardization Project" (2018-Reiwa 2) The main purpose was to publicize the results and the results, and in addition, it was established with the aim of contributing to the social recognition and popularization of nursing care robots. This site is maintained and operated by PwC Consulting LLC, which is entrusted with the development results dissemination issues in the above business.

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