・Feedback function:Feedback function adapt with walking behavior.
・Customization:Specification that can be customized in the future.
・High efficiency & energy saving: Introduce power complementary mechanism.
・Intuitive user interface: Emphasis on ease of operation
・Early-to-market by using general-purpose products:Achieve the early-to-market, by using the existing general-purpose product for battery and motor.
・Ensure the commercial viability: Flexibility that can be put into a scene of a wide range of every day activity (selling point).
The name of the robot care equipment | Active Cart (tentative) |
Company name |
Active cart development consortium (AC / DC) GMP Sobo Co., Ltd. Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry Daido Kogyo Co., Ltd. |
Target area | Mobility aid |
Expected target user | Elderly use alone |
Assumed environment | To assist walking for hobby or shopping. Assume traveling on road surface in the everyday living space. Also assume use under watch of the others. |
Sales date | 2016 |
Contact department | Planning and Development Office |
By e-mail maeda@gmpcdf.com(Contact: Keiichiro Maeda) |