Announcement of Result Briefing of the Project

  • Holding purpose:The purpose of the meeting is to clarify the role of the project and to report the current state of progression. Reports about robotic care devices which have been developed under the project will be done by each developer.
  • Organizer: Jcapan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
  • Date: Oct. 28 (Fri.) 2016 10:00~17:00 (The Last day of "HOSPEX Japan 2016")
  • Venue: Tokyo Big Sight Room No.608
  • Access: From “Tokyo Big Sight Homepage”
  • Capacity: 100 seats (Free. Advanced registration is required.)
  • Registration:
    • Application deadline: Registration is closed.
    • E-mail: jp_robot-care(at) (Please replace (at) to @.)
    • Tel.: 03-3434-2919
  • プログラム:  Download
10:00~10:15 我が国のロボット介護機器に関する施策について
石田 智樹(経済産業省)
10:15~10:30 Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care
Tatsuya Kimishima(AMED)
10:30~10:55 The Report on the Program of Development and Introduction Acceleration of the Care Robot that is useful for human beings and contributes to the elevation of the Quality of Care.
Yayoi Okawa(AIST, Robot Innovation Research Center)
"The Program of ‘the Development and Introduction Acceleration of the Care Robot’ has two basic orientations, that is: 1) The objective and effect of the care robot is the influence to the human beings, and 2) The care robot is defined as the material care means for the practical “Improving Care” (not the complementary care that only supplements the disabilities). The results so far obtained are reported.
10:55~15:50 Development assistance operators report
10:55~11:25 ① 介護現場における HAL介護支援用(腰タイプ)の活用
小笹 恵(CYBERDYNE Inc.)
11:30~12:00 ② Integrated care bed/ wheelchair "Resyone"
Hideo Kawakami(Panasonic Corporation Eco Solutions Company)
"Panasonic has run long-term care related business for 18 years. Our business area covers almost all of this business area. Recently, we are incubating new business or products using new technologies like RT/IT in this area. Integrated care bed and wheelchair, "Resyone" is a new concept assistive device using Robot technology.
12:05~13:00 休憩
13:00~13:30 ③ Robot Assist Walker RT.1/RT.2
Hitoshi Fujii(RT.WORKS CO.,LTD.)
"Robot Assist Walker RT.1/RT.2, and Indoor mobility aids (under development).
13:35~14:05 ④ Portable flush toilet "Q-let"
Toru Kusama(ARONKASEI CO., LTD.)
"Development concept of "Q-let", Good point of "Q-let", How to use "Q-let"
14:10~14:40 ⑤ Effects and Challenges of Nursing Care Robots, Monitoring System.
Toru Yasukawa(Noritsu Precision Co., Ltd.)
"Using verification test results and actual case reports, we will be reporting effects and challenges of nursing care robots, which were innovated and developed as a solution for an aging society. We will also suggest roles care robots should and can play, and its penetration into our society.
14:45~15:15 ⑥ Wheeled Walker with Electric Saddle Lifter
Shinichi Hagiwara(MITSUBA Corporation)
"A wheeled walker with an electrical sit-down and stand-up support function, aiming at decreasing the slip-and-fall risks of care receivers and the physical burdens of caregivers. It is designed for ease of use to promote the self-reliance of persons needing care.
15:20~15:50 ⑦ Bathroom Watch-over System
Yasuteru Kitada(KYOKKO Electric Co., Ltd.)
"Summary description of the Bathroom Watch-over System"
15:55~16:20 基準策定評価事業成果報告
比留川 博久(産総研、ロボットイノベーション研究センター)