Shower Equipment for Home Living Room

Main Features

Shower equipment is developed with the features: Voluntary operations by care-requiring persons are enabled, a structure requiring no actions of straddling a bathtub, and installable in a narrow bathroom or living room, thus being unprecedented and super compact.

The name of the robot care equipment Shower equipment for home living room
Company name AIR WATER INC
Target area Bathing support devices
Expected target user Those who want to take a bath voluntarily to the extent possible, with concerns about straddling a bathtub, and moving to a bathroom
Assumed environment Home (living room at home), living room for elderly housing with service of paid elderly nursing home, bathroom, etc. of day service/group home/nursing care insurance facility/hospital.
Sales date Planned in FY2017
Contact department Life Medicare Div.
Contact number 03-3578-7810