Wells variable bathing lift

Main Features

A variable bathing lift, “WLC: Wells Lift Carry” is developed aiming for continuous use with safety and comfort for both caretakers and caregivers, so that it can assist “an action in and out of a bathtub” and “a series of actions of entering a bathroom from a dressing room/exiting from a bathroom” in the refurbished, residential bathroom or in the bathroom of a facility according to the user’s physical condition. Besides, it enables a bathing posture that is safe and comfortable for the caretakers.


The name of the robot care equipment Wells variable bathing lift
Company name Sekisui Home Techno Co., Ltd.
Target area Bathing support devices
Expected target user The elderly with concerns about moving to a bathroom, entering/exiting from a bathtub, and their caregivers
Assumed environment Facility and home
Sales date For a facility: June 2017
For a home: Planned in FY2018
Contact department Business Management Department, Business Planning Division
Contact number 06-6397-3682