Networked Outlet Monitoring Robot
for Dementia Patients
(Logical Product Corporation)
Main Features
◾An easy monitoring system implemented by simply plugging into an electrical outlet.
◾Monitor motion of patients and detects occurrence of fall. Simultaneously monitor the environments of the room.
◾Could be placed in each patients room, monitoring will be done through wireless network.
◾Possible to add additional sensors and connect with other equipment.
◾Since it uses the 920MHz, a relatively new band frequency, for its wireless network, it is stable with little or no interference.

The name of the robot care equipment | Networked Outlet Monitoring Robot for Dementia Patients |
Company name | Logical Product Corporation |
Target area | Monitoring dementia patient |
Expected target user | Care workers |
Assumed environment | Care facility |
Sales date | July 2015 |
Contact department | Wireless Sensing Division |
Contact number | 092-405-7603 |