Active Cart
(Active Cart Development Consortium: GMP Sobo, etc.)

Main Features

・Feedback function:Feedback function adapt with walking behavior.

・Customization:Specification that can be customized in the future.

・High efficiency & energy saving: Introduce power complementary mechanism.

・Intuitive user interface: Emphasis on ease of operation

・Early-to-market by using general-purpose products:Achieve the early-to-market, by using the existing general-purpose product for battery and motor.

・Ensure the commercial viability: Flexibility that can be put into a scene of a wide range of every day activity (selling point).


The name of the robot care equipment Active Cart (tentative)
Company name Active cart development consortium (AC / DC)
GMP Sobo Co., Ltd.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry
Daido Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Target area Mobility aid
Expected target user Elderly use alone
Assumed environment To assist walking for hobby or shopping. Assume traveling on road surface in the everyday living space. Also assume use under watch of the others.
Sales date 2016
Contact department Planning and Development Office
E-Mail By e-mail Keiichiro Maeda)